Admixture Studio

Admixture Studio for Windows

Admixture Studio lets you run several ethnicity composition calculators in your own computer in just 3 clicks and display the results in several visualizations.

How it works

Just choose the calculator, your DNA RAW file (uncompressed – no zip file) and click on Run. That’s all.

Calculator list

The calculator list is updated regularly. If you are the author of any of these calculators or you have developed a new one, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to include your calculator.

DNA RAW Formats accepted

Admixture Studio accepts the following DNA Raw Data formats:

  • 23andme (any version)
  • Ancestry (any version)
  • FTDNA (any version)
  • Geno (any version)
  • LivingDNA (any version)
  • MyHeritage (any version)

PRO features

Buy the PRO version (Store) and get the following features. 

Note: The license code can be used only by the individual that buys it.

  • Up to 100x faster calculation – For example, K47 takes just less than 60 seconds. In the lite version (free), it takes more than 30 minutes
  • Geomap your results
  • Batch processing => Run the ethnicity estimates calculators for several files in a batch process
  • Use three different methods to calculate your Oracle results: Euclidean, Manhattan and Chebishev
  • Analyze ethnicity segments provided by 23andme and other companies 

Maps of the oracle results

Map your results from each chromosome analysis

Segment Chromosome Browser

Add/Remove populations from the oracle and refine your results

Analyze the correlation and distance between your sample and the oracle populations

Show the results projected in a PCA chart

Population similarity matrix

K36 integrated map

Chromosome analysis and display

nMonte Admixture

Compute nMonte population breakdown

Radar Chart to compare your results against other populations

K-Clustering Chart

Run your samples against your own calculators from the Advanced Mode tab


This tool has been developed by us, DNAGENICS.

Each calculator listed in the store is owned by his creator as it is stated in the Author column.


This application requires a Microsoft Windows Operating System, minimum Windows 7.


The downloaded file is an installer file. This file contains everything you should run the application.

  1. Download the application
  2. Run the file named "AdmixtureStudio.exe"
  3. The installer will show. Follow the steps to install the application.
  4. Once it is installed, run Admixture Studio from the "Start Menu > DNAGenics > Admixture Studio" icon


This application is in development, so please keep in mind that there could be errors and we are not liable for any error or misusing.

Remember to backup all your files before using this app. Feel free to use it. Any trademark is owned solely to the owner’s company.

Buy Admixture Studio PRO

Download Admixture Studio v2.51 (Windows Operating System Only) - 2022/12/28

Go to Admixture Studio Online

How to unlock Admixture Studio

First, download Admixture Studio from the product page: Admixture Studio

Once you get your unlock key (serial number), go to the main window and click on the “Unlock PRO” button.

Then, the unlock form will show. Type your email and unlock code (serial number) received by email.